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Cathodic Protection Tester (CP1) Certification

The Cathodic Protection Tester certification is designed for individuals responsible for observing, recording, or measuring the effectiveness of cathodic protection (CP) systems. It also addresses field personnel functions and is an entry into the cathodic protection profession.

To achieve certification, candidates need 6 months of work experience and should have entry-level knowledge of galvanic and impressed current systems CP systems.

Who should go ahead and apply?

This program benefits anyone responsible for supervising CP systems, measuring the effectiveness of CP systems, and/or recording this data, including:

  • CP field personnel

  • Technicians

CP1 Cathodic Protection Tester course

The Cathodic Protection Tester course provides both theoretical knowledge and practical techniques for testing and evaluating data to determine the effectiveness of both galvanic and impressed current systems and to gather design data. Classroom instruction is comprised of lectures and hands-on training, including using equipment and instruments for CP testing.

Course learning objectives

  • Recall the basics of electricity, electrical laws, electrochemistry, corrosion, and CP theory

  • Define how polarity is related to current flow and metal corrosion activity

  • Conduct tests to identify shorts and continuity tests in CP systems

  • Use test instruments to perform a variety of field tests such as structure-to-soil potentials, voltage and current measurements, soil resistivity, pipe/cable locating, and rectifier readings

  • Define CP components including impressed current systems, galvanic anodes, and test stations

  • Read shunts and recognize their use in rectifiers, bonds, and anodes

  • Perform periodic surveys to confirm the effectiveness of a CP system

  • Recall the use, maintenance, and precautions for reference cells

  • Utilize basic location mapping, report preparation, and record keeping

  • Recognize safety issues specific to CP

  • Recall code requirements related to CP

Course completion

To receive a training Certificate of Completion and continuing education units (CEUs) students must attend the entire course and successfully pass each learning assessment, including the hands-on practical exam given on the last day of class.

Course prerequisites

There are no required prerequisites for this course.


  • High school diploma or GED

  • 6 months’ CP work experience

  • Ability to perform basic math calculations (simple algebra, fractions, and conversions)



Contact Alexandre Racine
CFRIQC training director


Training and course materials are available in English. ​



4 694.66$ CAD (taxes incluses) 

Important :
Être "membre AMPP", signifie que vous avez acheté une adhésion auprès de l'Institut AMPP. Le numéro de client qui est nécessaire à l’inscription ne définit donc pas votre statut de membre. Si vous n'avez pas payé d'adhésion pour être membre de l'AMPP, vous devrez payer le tarif "non-membre".  En savoir plus sur l'adhésion à l'AMPP

*Prices are subject to change without notice

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