Cathodic Protection Technician (CP2) Certification
The Cathodic Protection Technician certification indicates intermediate-level knowledge of corrosion theory and CP concepts, types of CP systems, and advanced field measurement techniques.
This certification is designed for individuals with a heavy engineering/scientific background and some working knowledge of cathodic protection, or who have extensive years of field experience with some technical background.
Who should go ahead and apply?
This program is intended for personnel involved in testing the effectiveness of CP systems, troubleshooting and/or recording this data, including:
CP field personnel
CP Testers or
Personnel supervising CP Testers
CP2 Cathodic Protection Technician course
The Cathodic Protection Technician course provides intermediate-level training in both theoretical knowledge and practical techniques for testing and evaluating data to determine the effectiveness of both galvanic and impressed current CP systems and to gather design data. Classroom instruction is comprised of lectures and hands-on training, including using equipment and instruments for CP testing.
Course learning objectives
Test and troubleshoot rectifier component parts
Perform simulated CP related field tests (including interrupted structure-to-electrolyte potentials, current requirement, continuity, shorted road/railroad casing and, layer soil resistivity tests) and evaluate the results
Perform tests to verify the presence of stray current interference (primarily related to underground pipelines) and recommend method(s) to mitigate the interference
Conduct and interpret different current measurements
Interpret voltage (IR) free readings, polarization formation and decay tests
Maintain records, including data plotting and analysis
Summarize induced AC voltage on pipelines and the methods of mitigation
Purpose and uses of corrosion coupon test stations
Depending on the jurisdiction review code CP criteria requirements related to CP
Course completion
A practical exam is administered at the end of the course. Successful completion of the exam is required to earn a certificate of completion. A practical exam is administered at the end of the course. Successful completion of the exam is required to earn a certificate of completion.
Course prerequisites
A knowledge of the following is required for understanding the material in this course:
Algebra and geometry
Electrochemistry: theory including electrochemical and galvanic series;
Corrosion theory including polarization under different conditions;
Electricity: basic electrical laws, series and parallel circuits;
Cathodic protection: fundamentals, criteria, sacrificial and impressed current equipment including troubleshooting;
Stray current interference, primarily related to underground pipelines.
Testing: including voltmeters, ammeters, shunts (and calculations), ohmmeters, reference electrodes (and conversions), isolation and soil resistivity.
You must complete a pre-assessment questionnaire to assess your knowledge and experience with cathodic protection before enrolling in the CP2 Technician course.

Contact Alexandre Racine
CFRIQC training director
Refer to AMPP regulations.
Training and course materials are available in English.
4 694.66$ CAD (taxes incluses)
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