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Cancellation Policy

Last Updated: [2024-07-05]

Course Registration

Course registration fees include: student manuals, course materials, refreshment breaks, and reference books, if applicable. Participants are responsible for their own expenses, including but not limited to: hotel, airfare, and meals. Participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodations. CFRIQC regrets that it cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage suffered as a result of CFRIQC canceling a course for any reason.

Payment of Fees

All course and exam registration fees must be paid in Canadian dollars (CAD). For courses outside Quebec, additional fees may apply. Contact CFRIQC or the indicated local contact person before making final plans. For class or exam registrations, registration accompanied by full payment of fees is required to secure a place. Full payment is due at the time of registration. Please do not request to be billed. A confirmation letter will be sent by email when payment is received along with the completed registration forms. Program fees are subject to change without notice.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellation by CFRIQC:

CFRIQC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a course or part of it at any time but will do its best to confirm about 21 days before the scheduled start date of the training. If a training event is canceled, registrants will receive a full refund of the course fees paid, or you can choose to have CFRIQC retain your registration fees to apply to a future training. Students have one year from the cancellation date to enroll in another course; otherwise, the fees will be forfeited. CFRIQC is not responsible for expenses incurred by the client due to the cancellation or rescheduling of the course.

Cancellation by a Participant:

If you choose to cancel, you must inform CFRIQC in writing at (no telephone requests will be accepted). Upon receipt of your written cancellation or transfer request:

  • 35+ business days before the training: Registration fees are 100% refundable, minus a $125.00 service fee, or you can select full credit for a future training course, minus a $125.00 transfer fee.

  • 34 to 15 business days before the training: Fees are 50% refundable, or you can select full credit for a future training event, minus a $125.00 transfer fee.

  • 14 to 8 business days before the training: Fees are 50% refundable, or you can select 50% credit for a future training event.

  • 7 business days or less before the training (including no-shows): Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.


Transfers to another student are possible for a $125.00 service fee, with the possibility of additional fees, and are limited to one non-refundable transfer.

CFRIQC is not responsible for refunding airfare, guaranteed reservations, or other expenses related to a student's attendance at a class.

Equal Opportunity

CFRIQC's policy and practice are to ensure that no individual is discriminated against or denied the benefits of any activity or program based on race, color, religious belief, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, or disability.


  1. CFRIQC-approved courses held outside Quebec may have fees that vary based on regional economy and fees for similar technical courses in their respective regions.

  2. Course registration fees have been adjusted to include GST/HST, where applicable.

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